It's simple, really
We provide the highest quality, most durable product on the market.
The quality, strength, and durability of our products simply cannot be matched.
We've all seen the batting gloves at the sporting goods store. They're thin, flimsy, and (if you hit with any regularity) they'll rip within a few weeks of use. Our products were designed NOT by stingy businessmen with costs and profits in mind, but by ACTUAL baseball players. We played in high school. We played in college. We were hard-working, ambitious baseball players that hit 500 baseballs a day for years. We didn't have the time or money to spend on flimsy gloves with a short life span. So we decided to engineer a line of batting gloves that LAST.
Don't believe us? We urge you to find someone who has hit with our gloves or worn our compression sleeves. If you don't know anyone, check out the testimonies from trusted professionals in the baseball world. We're confident in our quality. We engineered our products to not only last, but last BEYOND expectation. ISP's custom designs may attract your attention, but it will be our products' extraordinary quality that makes you a lifetime Instinct customer.